JCLF RELEASE NOTES ================== Release 5.0.1, January 27, 2022 ------------------------------- The library is split in five modules: jclf-core, jclf-io, jclf-linear3, jclf-net, jclf-text and jclf-util. If you are using just one class from JCLF (which is frequently the case), this shall reduce the amount of unneeded code in your classpath or modulepath. About JCLF ---------- This package consists of classes of general utility for programming with the Java(tm) language, which may be useful in several contexts. Beware that the code is very old, to the point that some of the classes are based on code written in other programming languages (before Java existed). Unless otherwise noted (see the LICENSES.txt file), this software is provided under a BSD-style license (see the LICENSE.txt file). Compatibility with 4.x releases ------------------------------- The 5.0 release is very similar to 4.x, with the difference that the library was split in five modules (and a new jclf-linear3 module added). A few classes were removed as well: CollectionsUtil, ConditionalExpression, FixedStack, IntegerContainer, LabeledContainer, TrueExpression, TypeUtil and UnsupportedSortException. Unless you were using one of those removed files (in which case you'd be welcome to ask for it to be re-introduced), you just have to adjust your JCLF Maven dependency to the sub-module(s) that you are using. Compatibility with 3.x releases ------------------------------- The main difference between 4.x and 3.x is the renaming of the packages. In 3.x, the packages were based on the 'info.informatica' group. Now, the classes are under the 'io.sf.jclf' tree. This means that JCLF 4.x was NOT a drop-in replacement for previous versions, but integration with your current code should just require a search & replace. Java(tm) Runtime Environment requirements ----------------------------------------- All the classes in the binary packages have been compiled with a recent Java compiler targeting 1.8 compliance level, except for the module-info that was compiled for Java 11. Software dependencies ===================== This JCLF release has no external dependencies, except JUnit for testing. Project Sites ============= Project home: https://jclf.sourceforge.io/ Development site: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jclf/